Friday, July 29, 2011

A student!!

Actually, taught my first student tonight even though I tried to delay it a bit. I'm leaving in less than 24 hours to go to ENGLAND for my daughter's wedding. Anyway, Dana's (she is my student) mother would not take no for an answer.  We struggled through five 1.5 pound balls of clay.  She can do it...just needs practice, practice, practice. At least, she said she would be back!!! Does this mean I'm a professional now?

Got to finish packing...see you!

Monday, July 25, 2011

the latest...

 incised cup

 small bowls out of red clay

 my favorite
here are a few more pieces which are probably the last for the summer. Going to leave for England on Saturday!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When am I going to learn??

The one stead fast rule about pottery....never try to fire wet clay.  I had the kiln on low all day BUT I forgot to crack the lid. Fortunately, there was just one pot that was too wet. Minimum damage....could have been so much worse.
I have to learn to slow down sometimes....and I've done this before... Good Grief!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A few more

First, I wasn't sure why those two last photos were so huge....didn't do anything different than the others...oh well.

I fired again....helping out my buddy, Bobbi.  She was in a pinch, needing to fire a couple pieces for some 4H kids and her elements apparently went hay I fired those and a couple of mine that were ready.

 these two pics are of the same cups, different views.  They are carved, colored slip brushed on, then after that dries it's wiped away, leaving the colored lines...these turned out quite well!!
these cups are a new combination...I'm really liking the black as an accent..

 this little guys is about three inches tall..

and this one is a little over an inch tall

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

latest firing

Managed to do a high fire despite theses high temps. At least, I was able to unload in 90 degree weather...felt kind of cool

Monday, July 11, 2011


It's really hard to work when the temperatures are in excess of 100 degrees. After 8 pm and it's still 100.  I'm going to try to load my kiln soon.
I took my newly purchased angle grinder into work, just to let them show me how to use the thing. Ok, so I took the messy kiln shelves too.  Before I knew it, the extra glaze spots were gone as well as my kiln wash....they shelves look like new.
Stay tuned...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

busy weekend

I'm so tired I can hardly move.
With 100+ degree weather, seems like I spent half of my time watering something outside.  And when I am sitting at my wheel, sweat is pouring down my face and back...lovely. But despite that I have thrown a little, bisqued a load and managed to glaze some this weekend.  Started spraying, but the sprayer ended up to get some muric acid or a new sprayer.  And I purchased an angle grinder since my kiln shelves kind of got a little messy during the firing of plates. I'm going to cheat and have the mechanics at work just show me how to use it.  I may really cheat and just bring the shelves in as well....

So I hope to have some more pictures of finished work to post by the end of the week.

Stay cool!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer 2011

Well folks, don't know if you noticed but I live in Joplin, MO and May 22nd rocked our little corner of the state. An EF5 tornado decided to stomp on somewhere between 30 to 40% of our once fair city.  I've helped in every way that I can and have decided that I must get on with my life and do what I love to do...get my hands in clay. And besides that, I had to finish making a dinnerware set for my oldest daughter who is getting married in England, August 6th!! Anyway, here are some pieces that I've done this summer (which means they are fired at home, cone 5-6).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

You have to start somewhere...

And I believe that....after several hours of trying my hand at a "free" website, I guess I will try something simpler that doesn't make me want to throw things at the computer screen.  I want and need a website, but this apparently just isn't the time.

As the name of this blog implies, I'm a potter and after ten years learning, I'm ready to show the world what I can do.  And as my  computer literacy improves, then that is exactly what I intend to do. But you have to start somewhere....

Well, what do you know...I can upload images...awesome!!